Veteran recruiters weigh in on how to put your best foot forward.
We all need some sort of edge to remain hot commodities in the high-stakes, competitive arena that is the Westchester County business world. So, we checked in with three local HR experts, who shared some of their best tips on how to maximize your marketability to recruiters, en route to that C-suite dream job.
Don Zinn
Partner, Jobplex, Inc., Tarrytown
■ This is a great time to be a minority or female executive candidate. Companies are hungrily seeking diversity candidates, and women are in-demand — especially in fields like engineering and sales. Use it to your advantage. It helps to be willing to travel.
■ Be sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and has the key messages about what you do and what [type of job] you would be looking for. It’s just as important as your résumé. Make sure your résumé is backed up with concrete facts and examples. Most résumés are full of features and never discuss benefits and results.